
Painting, sculpture, illustration and mixed media projects.

My painting, sculpture and mixed media works have been exhibited at venues including Hazelhurst Regional Gallery and Arts Centre, Space 44 Cronulla, and The Old Sign Shop, Sydney. I’m particularly interested in the spaces where writing and painting intersect, using art-making as a method of examining themes in written work.

Painting Writing

Birch: Saint Petersburg, siege and starvation. Scarred ghosts and haunted churches. “Saint Petersburg and King Parrot” (2010).

Bury the Sun: Freak, behemoth, loner: May, a cleaner at a regional animal shelter has an affinity for broken things. “Bury the Sun: Dog Skulls” (2017).

Cabinet of Wonders: First draft. “Kunstkamera: The Twins and Lily” (2018).

Lyra art

2020. Aerial hoop art based on self-photography.


2007-2018. Life drawing and painting.


2008. Installation project. Art – a religion rich with saints, martyrs and ritual. Contested and worshiped spaces. This installation considered traditional Russian Orthodox iconography via drawing, painting and sculpture. Notably, women are typically prohibited from creating icons.